Welcome and Thank You!

We would like to welcome and thank you all for taking the time and interest in our blog which is designed to allow everyone to stay abreast with everything that is going on with what is sure to be a very busy and joyous time in our lives. We intend on keeping this as up to date as necessary with the kind of information (cliche included) that would interest all of you. The more participation, the better, so feel free to ask questions or make comments and we will respond as quickly as possible. Both of us will be adding posts and responding to comments. I'm sure it will be fairly easy to determine who wrote what based on the "lingo". Thanks again and we look forward to hearing from everybody.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

All We Need is Mason......

Now that I have had time to recover from last weekend, I figured it was time to update the blog. March 18th was Kurt's 30th birthday!!!! That weekend we had a couples baby shower and then I threw him a surprise party at Blackfinn Saloon in uptown Charlotte. Many of our friends and family came into town for the occasion. It was a blast! And we couldn't have asked for more perfect weather.....sunny and 80 all weekend!! We all had a great time (some more than others....LOL)! Thanks to everyone who made the trip to NC.  It was great to see you all!

On top of all the festivities we had planned, it was also the first weekend of March Madness. Always an exciting time of year!  Friday (the big day) we started off by going to breakfast at Terrace Cafe.  By far my favorite place to have breakfast!  DELISH!  After breakfast the guys went to drink beer and watch all the games. The girls went to get mani / pedis.  That night we invited all out of town guests to Paco's, Tacos, & Tequila for dinner and more basketball games.  Here are a couple of pics from the night......

Craig showing off one of Kurts gag birthday gifts.......
 Ice Tea, Jeff?  It was only 6pm and he had already switched to non-alcoholic beverages!
 Birthday boy with his brownie and fried ice cream sundae....

At 12:00 on Saturday we had the couples baby shower.  It was Pickles and Ice Cream themed. There was plenty of great food and a create your own ice cream sundae bar for dessert!  Yum-O! It was a gorgeous day and Mason got lots of great gifts!  Thanks everyone!!!

The loot....

Here are some pictures of the gifts after we had time to get them together in the nursery or playroom......

New baseball rug and sports mobile. 

 Baseball ceiling fan...

 Mason's piggy bank......better start saving now!!!!! Baskets on the changing table have his favorite sports teams on the chalkboards. Had to leave the baseball one as TBD to humor Daddy.  We all know Mason will bleed pinstripes.
 Yankee blanket made by Kristin!  Smitty loves going into Masons room when I am in there and sprawling out on the blanket.  So cute! 
 Mason's Yankee rocking chair and his first Yankee Stadium hot dog from Great Aunt Karen and Uncle Dan! 
 Baseball glove chair. Mommy found this at Home Goods.  Couldn't leave without it! 
 Pack and Play from Uncle Andrew and Aunt Lindsay! 
 Mama Roo bouncy seat / swing from Uncle Craig. Daddy's favorite gift!!!!

 Car seat all set in the car!  So weird driving around and seeing this in the rear view mirror.  Only a couple of weeks and there will be a little one in there!  Hard to believe. Time has gone by sooooooo fast! 
 Bags packed for the hospital. 

After the baby shower we had a couple hours to rest before we headed to Blackfinn for the surprise party.  Kurt thought we were going out to dinner uptown. When we were on the way to "dinner" my brother called and said that Kyrie Irving was at Blackfinn.  Things couldn't have worked out more perfect....of course Kurt insisted that we go there before dinner so he could try to get an autograph. Kyrie was already gone when we got there but my dad managed to get an autograph for Kurt. Here are some pictures from the night.

Carrot Cake!!!!!


The weekend was a success!  Everyone had a great time!  Needless to say we spent all day Sunday on the couch watching college basketball.  A week has passed and Kurt is finally fully recovered.  I guess 30 hits some people really hard!!!!  LOL.